Who is "Prince YOSHIHISA"?
throughout the city of Tokyo
A lecture performance as a curator of a tour-type exhibition that explains
the exhibition while traveling around Tokyo according to a guidebook prepared
by the artist.
PrinceYOSHIHISA" refers to Prince Nohisa Kitashirakawa
(1847-1895), a member of the Japanese Imperial Family. He was a member of the
Japanese Imperial Family. He was the ninth prince of Prince Kuniya of Fushimi
Palace, and his childhood name was Mitsumiya. He became a younger brother of
Seireninomiya and a son of Emperor Niko, and became a younger brother of Kajii
Monzeki. He was given the name of Nohisa after being proclaimed prince of the
imperial family. He became a younger brother of Prince Jisei Nyudo of the
Rinnoji Palace (younger brother of Prince Nobuhito Arisugawa), and was trained
by Prince Sonyu Nyudo of the Seirenin Palace (later Prince Asahiko of the
Kuwani Palace) as a preceptor, and assumed the name of Kogen, and was named
Prince Kogen Nyudo. He was the last abbot of Kan'eiji Temple on Mt. Toeizan,
and the principal priest of Rinnoji Temple in Nikko, and his temple name was
Jingoin-no-miya, commonly known as Rinnoji-no-miya. At the end of the Edo
period, he was supported by the Shogitai, but on July 4, 1868 (May 15, Keio
4), he was destroyed by the new government forces and fled to Sendai via Mito.
He became the leader of the Ouetsu Alliance, an alliance of 33 clans, but the
alliances broke off and surrendered one after another, and he too was ordered
to write a letter of apology and be placed under house arrest at the
Fushimi-no-Miya residence in Kyoto. By order of his nephew, the Emperor Meiji,
he was removed from his status as a son of Emperor Niko and a prince, and
returned to his former position. He is returned to Fushimi Palace and is known
by his childhood name, Fushimi Mitsumiya. While studying in Prussia, he
inherited the Kitashirakawa Palace family and became Kitashirakawa-no-Miya
Nohisa. Engaged to the aristocratic widow Bertha, he was ordered by the Meiji
government to return to Japan and was again confined to house arrest in Kyoto.
On July 25, 1894 (Meiji 27), the Sino-Japanese War ended. He goes to war as
the commander of the Imperial Guards Division for the conquest of Taiwan,
which is ceded to Japan (Otomi War), and dies of malaria in Tainan. His body
is brought to Japan in secret, and after his promotion to General of the Army
is announced, he is given a state funeral at the Toshimaoka Cemetery in Tokyo
as the first member of the Imperial family to die in the line of duty outside
Japan. In 1945, with the defeat of the Japanese Empire, all of the 60 shrines
were destroyed, and he is now enshrined at the Yasukuni Shrine.
work explores the relationship between Japan's modern indoctrination policy,
nationalism in the formation of national Shinto, and pioneering (colonial)
settlements, while looking at the life of Prince Nokyu Kitashirakawa, to see
how the creation of Taiwan Jingu Shrine and its survival until the end of the
Greater East Asia War was possible. He also examined the structures of
exclusion and discrimination in Qing (China), Hokkaido, and Taiwan.
「国家診断」展 https://amseaut.blogspot.jp/2017/12/blog-post_17.html
AMSEA https://amseaut.blogspot.jp
A 聖徳記念絵画館 ↓
B 陸奥宗光旧別邸 ↓
C 東叡山寛永寺輪王殿・輪王寺宮墓地・開山堂(両大師) ↓
D 国立科学博物館(第25回特別企画展「南方熊楠-100年早かった智の人」) ↓
E 上野恩賜公園 上野東照宮・元寛永寺五重塔・山王台 ↓
F 上野恩賜公園 不忍池 ↓
G 東京大学本郷キャンパス医学部2号館 ↓
H 靖国神社 ↓
I 北の丸公園